How Parents Should Assess Their Child’s Performance Through Report Card Comments

Posted by | September 07, 2023

How Parents Should Assess Their Child’s Performance

Report card comments are crucial to the future learning of a student. The goal of report card comments is to assess and provide information on a student’s progress and/or lack of development in a subject. They can also assess a child’s class behaviour.

Understanding report card comments can be difficult for parents as many school districts have their own set of guidelines and policies in place that teachers are required to follow. Below are some tips to help parents better understand their child’s report card comments.

What Do You Need to Look for on Report Cards?

In Ontario, there are six basic skills assessed on a student’s report card: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation.

Read the Comments Carefully

The comment section of a report card will give parents a transparent look into their child’s learning behaviours and habits. Teachers use this opportunity to expand on details of areas that need improvement and those where progress has been made since the last report card.

Look for Trends

Within the report card, keep note of trends with respect to the learning abilities and habits of the student. Does the student seem to be slowly progressing in one subject while excelling in others? Noting the class behaviours and comparing them with the marks of different subjects may shed some light on your child’s learning.

Study the Report Card Before Parent-Teacher Meetings

Reading through a report card before attending a parent-teacher meeting can help prepare the parent for the meeting. Take note of any grades or remarks that may be concerning and make sure to address them with the teacher. These parent-teacher meetings are intended to focus on plans to help further the student’s education with support at school and at home.

Pay Attention to the Grades and Averages

Whether the grades are measured by numbers or letters, it is important to pay close attention and understand the meaning behind the assigned mark for the student. Using the grades, averages, and comments together can help form a more detailed picture of the student’s learning curve.

Use the Report Card as a Tool for Assessment and Improvement

Take advantage of the information within a report card to work with the school to devise a learning plan for improvements where needed. Thinking of the report card as an assessment tool can open doors for the student in their future learning endeavours.

TIMESAVERS for TEACHERS Is an Important Tool for Teachers

Preparing and writing report card comments is a crucial task a teacher undertakes for all students. Knowing how to provide the right details to enhance a student’s learning can help not only the student and teacher but also the parent in understanding the learning situation.

TIMESAVERS For Teachers provides valuable resources and information for teachers with our collection of report card comments/remarks that focus on the learning and behaviour habits of students.

We have created a comprehensive and customizable Report Card Comments Collection that features over 1,800 generic comment prompts. We also provide a number of useful resources and tools to set teachers up for success. Check out The Teacher’s Binder, Substitute Teacher Instruction Kit, and Classroom Awards. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or would like to place an order.


