Posted by timesaversforteachers| February 09, 2015
Create a safe and comfortable environment for your students. A good teacher will make sure their students’ needs are being met. These can range from physical needs to emotional needs, but remember that a person will be unable to learn if their basic needs are not being met.
Set clear and concise expectations. Consistent enforcement of guidelines and classroom rules will coach a student’s brain to understand what is acceptable. If we waiver on management or grading policies it sends conflicting messages and invites misbehavior.
Develop and practice new skills. If children develop skills at a young age and during brain development, they are more likely to retain that ability. If we don't create those connections and skills, that know-how will be difficult to develop later.
Treat them with respect and engage teenage students. Interact and offer adult role models for your class. If we fail, they will seek out peer role models that might exhibit undesirable traits and morals. We need to be involved and avoid allowing them grow up on their own.
Adjust instruction times into 15-20 minute blocks. Find ways to change up the lessons and change the environment to take advantage of their short attention spans. Use music, have them work in pairs, or get them on their feet.
Seek different methods for instruction and keep it entertaining. Direct lesson plans and taking notes are staples in a classroom, but remember to shake it up now and then.
Foster intrinsic motivation. Developing the inborn love of learning is difficult. Use thoughtful feedback that goes beyond “AWESOME”. Look at the student’s work and offer attentive observations. Let your students know that you value their effort and care about their work.
Authored by: Amy Williams
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The information is incredible and worth appreciating. Thanks for the great article. Being more practical at early stages of child development removes all confusions and things become more clear and brain development as well as as reading habits and skills learning goes ahead simultaneously on same parameters.
Thanks Muzaffer for your kind comment. Sorry for the late response, but this portion of my website is not something that I have had time to focus on as well.