Thank You So Much!!!!!!!! I can print!!!!!!! You have developed a gold mine and I am going to tell all the teachers at my school about your product. The Teachers Binder should be on every teachers wish list for Christmas. Thanks Again!!!! You are Awesome!!!!!
Thank a lot for everything. These materials are very essential and important for all ESL teachers. I’ll share with my colleagues here in Mongolia.
wow – an awesome set of materials – thanks
I wanted to let you know also, that I really value your Teacher’s Binder Interactive. I am starting my first year as a teacher, teaching 4th grade, and this product has really allowed me to have my hands on things I did not even think of before purchasing it. Thanks!
I purchased JUST TEACH IT! from your website last April. I teach fifth grade and my four teammates LOVED this idea. This unit was absolutely a brilliant idea on your part and I thank you very much. I will continue to use this as an end of the year research unit in fifth grade. By the way, the kids loved teaching their class! And… I invited their parents in to watch their children teach. I got positive feedback from them as well. Your books are FABULOUS! and so is your outstanding customer service. I can’t wait to download my next book!!!
Several years ago I purchased The Teacher’s binder. I have decided to upgrade to the interactive version. I love it and have used it frequently. Thank you for providing such a great service to those of us in the trenches. Administration wants us to give them data on forms that they do not have, I often go to my digital copy of the Teacher’s Binder and print out a form, fill it out and turn it in. You are truly a time saver! Thank you once again!
I decided this morning that I would complete the great resources by investing in all the remaining books that you have. I thank you so much for the great books that you have put together because they have saved me countless hours of wasted time. You have made life easier for us teachers. I look forward to any other resources or books you bring forward or any others that you recommend.
I finally had the time (and money!) to buy your book, “The Teacher’s Binder” What an excellent resource–very well put together and easy to download. I love the fact that I will be able to access it from my classroom as well. Your book will definitely be a valuable assets to me as a first year teacher. I will strongly recommend it to my fellow colleagues. Please feel free to use any portion of this e-mail as a testimonial on your website.
I will speak your praises throughout cyberspace and beyond. I will inform all of my colleagues of your terrific products and outstanding customer service.
I recommended your products to all my co-workers. . . everyone wants to come and look through what I have and I tell them where to find you! Thanks so much for your wonderful products. . . .I am buying the 1000 Quick Writing Ideas right now! I also use the books as a parent. My son absolutely loves the Math Time Savers! He likes it that I make copies of some of the sheets for him, hole-punch them, and put them in his binder. I have had requests from his teachers about where I got the sheets from, and of course, I always refer them to your website! If I had the extra money, I would buy all of your products. . .and over time. . .I probably will! Thanks so much for taking the time to develop these reproducibles. . .they truly are TIME-SAVERS!
Thanks so much for your quick help! The products and the service are better than I could have ever expected. I am defiantly recommending the site to my fellow teachers (who were already jealous when I sent a boy to the office with a completed incident report in hand). Your Teacher’s Binder makes me look super professional and put together, as promised!
As a pre-service teacher, I am always on the look out for creative, well designed materials that are attractive and professionally designed. Your products combine these two qualities. I have just ordered, and downloaded two books. I appreciate the ease of downloading and the neatness of the page designs. I really like the Just Multiply It strategy!!! I have worked as a teaching assistant and as a long term substitute. I am always “cleaning up” messy or cramped handouts and designing forms for keeping track of assessments. Again, I appreciate your work.
Thank you! I received the file and am printing it now. I appreciate the prompt response. I provide reading and writing workshops in my county and will be sure to share your website with others. You may use my comments, it is the least I can do! The variety of materials I have found so far in your books is going to be a tremendous help to me! The new book looks like another winner! Thank you for forwarding the samples. I plan to use a couple of them this week.
Thank you for bringing quality teaching materials to the desktops of teachers around the globe!
I’ve been an eager viewer (and consumer) of your wonderful site for several years.
Please send the new book info! I used the Teachers Binder like crazy last year and anything else you can provide will certainly be of great help!
Thank you very much for the downloadable Teacher’s Binder. It was very easy to download and I will put it to good use and surely recommend it to my teacher friends.
I am flipping through the pages as I type this and am so glad that I bought The Teachers Binder. I am an organizational nut and this book just made my life a lot easier. Thanks again for all of your help and fast response to emails. You are great!
Thank you for the wonderful customer service!! I didn’t download the books last night, but I did get to the task a few minutes ago. Everything looks wonderful by the way. I have returned to teaching after taking several years off to be with my own children, so I know that the materials will certainly save me time and effort.
I fell in love with your Teacher’s Binder. I respect your work and the fact that you take the time to carefully and masterfully design something for us busy teachers.