"This is exactly what I was looking for! I can't believe I hesitated to buy this publication. Not only will I start using it immediately, but I can't wait to get home and browse through the rest of your books." - Linda Morris, Jones Magnet Middle School, Hampton, VA, US
REPORT CARD COMMENTS e-book is a huge, 180 page, collection of teacher comments that can be instantly downloaded and read on any computer!
All 1830 teacher comments/remarks have been ranked and organized by: subject, most positive to most negative; shortest to longest; and general to most specific and marked accordingly.
Browse and locate comments on your computer screen quickly and easily, as key words are bolded and pages uncluttered, bright – (see sample pages below). All comments are printable and ‘copy and paste’ enabled. Use for ANY reporting period, even end of year!
View TABLE of CONTENTS (Also see comment SAMPLES below)
View VIDEO of this Report Card Comments resource
"Thank you so much for the link. It is very refreshing to find someone so willing to provide updates to a great product at no further charge! Am really enjoying using your ideas - and eternally grateful! All good wishes." - Fiona McCall, Burwood School in Orpington, Kent, England
"I would like to thank you for the quick respond. I did download my Teacher Report Card Comments book. It was really easy. I was impressed with the bank of comments you made. It facilitates my life you have no idea. Teaching in French immersion and having to do all my report card in English is tremendous work for me. I always need to find the right words to express myself in another language. It take me sometimes hours and I don't count the time I spend correcting mistakes or syntax structure. When I read your comments, I just smile(smile of relief)! Now I am ready for the next report card! Thank you so much!" - Martine Cyr, B.C., Canada
"I have taught in Detroit for seventeen years, spending thousands of my own dollars along the way. I know a worthwhile product when I come across one." - Denise Gacki, (Detroit, Michigan, USA)
"I am very happy you exist" - Robin E. Washington (USA)
"I have purchased a number of your books during the past two years and I am thoroughly impressed with both the professional presentation and the user-friendly format. Why reinvent the wheel when you have put everything together in one document? Thank you so much for the insight and the time you have given to make these resources available world-wide to teachers. I would like to be informed of future updates in your timesavers please. I have found all the ones I have purchased worthwhile." - Colleen York (Alstonville, Australia)
"I am thrilled to have the Report Card Comments at my fingertips. I find them very creative and useful. I would recommend your website to any educator new or old. Thank you for everything. I love the Timesavers." - Marnie Berg, (Elementary School Teacher, Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
"Thank you for the information. I was able to successfully download this file at school. Thank you for all of your hard work putting this together! It has saved me many hours. As a 1st year teacher, there are not enough hours in a day so this really helps! I look forward to utilizing more of your work!" - Mrs. Sandy Ashcroft, (Holy Family School, Red Deer, Alberta ,Canada)
"I received the disk and was able to open it. Everything is great! I am very pleased with the Report Card and IEP Comments and other books. I will let my friends know about your web site and its benefits. I'm looking forward to seeing other usable materials that I can order. Thanks for sticking in there and helping me resolve my problem." - Joyce, (USA)
INTRODUCTORY report card comments:
___________ has made (some/ good/ excellent) progress this term. (G)
___________ remains focused in class, but (often/ occasionally/ rarely) needs reminders to stay on task. (G)
HOMEWORK COMPLETION report card comments:
Regular completion of assigned homework is required. (G)
It is recommended that ___________ completes all homework to the best of ability and seeks teacher assistance when concepts are not understood. (N)
WRITING report card comments:
Writes (few/ one or more/ numerous) simple sentences that contain appropriate punctuation. (G)
(with teacher assistance/ with some assistance/ often/ successfully) completes written assignments. (G)
PROOFREADING and EDITING report card comments:
___________ has made some progress in area of writing conventions but spelling, punctuation and grammar continue to be a significant challenge. (P,N)
Editing of own work is a difficult task for ___________ but he/she has been observed working diligently on this part of the writing process. (N,P)
SPELLING report card comments:
All words must be proofread and edited for spelling errors in the work that is submitted for evaluation. ___________ has made progress in learning how to spell high frequency words in class. (P)
Spelling errors, sentence structure, and independent proofreading remain areas that require attention and remediation. (N)
READING report card comments:
___________ correctly describes [retells] (few/ some/ most/ all) of the facts, ideas, events, details and information. (G)
___________ reads variety of novels at his/her functioning level independently, and (often/ always/ usually) chooses appropriate reading material. (P)
Interpreting what has been read, and finding supporting evidence, continues to be (is often) a challenge for ___________. (N)
READING COMPREHENSION report card comments:
___________ understands what has been read through the use of strategies (with much/ some/ little) success and (much/ some/ no) teacher or peer stance. (G)
Continued opportunities to re-tell what he/she has read, in proper order, would be of benefit. (N)
ORAL COMMUNICATION report card comments:
Communicates (shares/expresses) ideas, opinions, thoughts and feelings with (little/ some/ much) clarity and confidence. (G)
___________ requires urging to use verbal expression and engage in class discussions. (N)
CLASS PARTICIPATION (also BEHAVIOR) report card comments:
Non-stop distractibility often (seriously/ greatly) hinders communication with teacher and others. (N,N)
Inability to remain focussed and follow instructions has had an impact on ___________'s academic progress. (N,N)
MATHEMATICS report card comments:
___________ has successfully completed (few/ some/ most/ all) of the requirements of (the mathematics curriculum/ this mathematics strand) this term. (G)
__________ rushes through his/her work and often ignores the important details, which usually leads to inaccurate results and lower marks. (N)
WRITING PROCESS report card comments:
___________ arranges ideas into paragraphs with (some/ much/ great deal of ) teacher guidance, supervision, and assistance. (G)
___________ is encouraged to work on the development and organization of ideas in written work. (N)
LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS report card comments:
Writes (few/ one or more/ numerous) simple sentences that contain appropriate and accurate punctuation, grammar and spelling. (G)
___________ uses advanced conventions in (stories, personal and daily writing, etc.,) accurately, routinely and confidently. (P)
GROUP WORK report card comments:
___________ participates in group discussion, using appropriate language and complete sentences. (P)
Frequent distractibility and lack of focus often prevent (hinder/inhibit) successful communication with teachers and peers. (N,N)
PROBLEM SOLVING report card comments:
___________ perseveres through challenging tasks and (usually/ always) tries hard to follow through with the recommended problem-solving process. (P)
___________ continues to improve in this area, but at a slower pace. Verbal interruptions and negativity by ___________ are hindering learning. (P,N)
ATTENDING and CONCENTRATING report card comments:
___________ is to be congratulated for improving his/her ability to attend and concentrate in class. (P)
___________ needs frequent reminders to begin his/her work, focus on a given activity and remain on task. (N)
CLASS BEHAVIOR report card comments:
___________ shows ability to pay attention in class, asking and appropriately answering relevant questions. (P)
___________ needs frequent reminders not to interrupt and to work quietly. Greater degree of self-control during lessons must be exercised. (N)
EFFORT and MOTIVATION report card comments:
___________ has shown considerable improvement in effort and motivation this term. (P)
He/she needs to assume greater responsibility for being prepared for class with notes and materials readily available to commence work. (N)