Spelling Report Card Comments

Teacher Comments: Spelling

There are actually 6 pages of all the possible SPELLING comments one would ever need for reporting achievement in this area! This is THE most thorough collection of spelling comments on the Net! Save the free file of spelling comments below for your personal reporting use, and then give yourself a break by downloading the rest of them HERE!


Free Teacher Spelling Commnets

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___________ shows increasing ability to spell assigned word lists through the use of phonics. (P)

___________ is encouraged to review his/her spelling lists during ___________ in order to maintain current gains. (G)

has made some progress in area of writing conventions but spelling, punctuation, and grammar continue to be a great challenge. (P,N)

Spelling errors, sentence structure, and independent proofreading remain areas that require attention and remediation. (N)

___________ experiences difficulty with the spelling of words used most often in writing. It is important that he/she try to apply spelling patterns taught in class and his/her personal words list when editing written work. (N)

Correct spelling of commonly used words (less frequently used words) is still a challenge for ___________. He/she is encouraged to continue working on further development of his/her spelling and grammar skills (for written assignments). (N)

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