$91.88$48.00 |
THE TEACHER'S BINDER, interactive version – This is a very complete collection of often-used, printable, interactive classroom forms that helps teachers simplify work, personal organization, record keeping and classroom management. This resources is an interactive version which means that you can type/enter information right onto each of the pages and then, edit modify even save the book file.
REPORT CARD and IEP COMMENTS – a massive, 180-page collection of comments for teachers. All 1830 comments have been ranked and organized by: subject, most positive to most negative; shortest to longest; and general to most specific and marked accordingly. Browse and locate comments on your computer screen quickly and easily, as key words are bolded and pages uncluttered, bright – All comments are ‘copy and paste’ enabled and can also be printed. Use for ANY reporting period, even end of year.
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER INSTRUCTIONS KIT, interactive – type, save, organize substitute instructions in a professional manner, promote classroom order during your absence. Save information and each year just add or take away what is needed. No need to re-write instructions every year.
CLASSROOM AWARDS, CERTIFICATES and PASSES, interactive – colorful and attractive forms and certificates. Type directly onto the forms. Used to reward students for good attitude, hard work, academic achievement, and excellence.
Homework Not Done - 2 versions of interactive forms on one page. Try Typing!
Lesson Plan Template - one page, single lesson plan template.
Book Jot Note Strips for Reading - this is a very practical printable page composed of two visually attractive jot note strips that teacher may photocopy, cut and hand out to students for use during reading of a novel. Invite them to jot down basic information about the book, words to look up, names of characters and pen additional notes that come to mind during a reading activity. Print and cut out many, and make additional copies available for taking.
Substitute Teacher Instructions - an interactive page of instructions that a teacher would leave for a substitute during an absence. Interactive version of the Substitute Kit e-book enables teachers to enter information directly onto pages and then save or modify as needed. Try Typing!
Class Participation Award - standard certificate form that is given out to students at the end of the year. The interactive version makes it possible to actually type the name of the student and other information, and the save the file and print.
$91.88$48.00 |